Reading Response #3 Emerging Technologies Horizon Report 2016
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Select two of the “Development in Technology” concepts presented and complete the following:
Development #1: _______________________________________
· Record two interesting quotations from this section:
- To address the needs of the future, a growing number of classrooms, libraries, and community centers are being transformed into makerspaces, physical environments that offers tools and opportunities for hands-on learning and creation.
- Makerspace activities are increasingly serving as gateways to bolster interest in STEM fields.
· Write a complete paragraph that highlights the insights and implications to your practice.
- As a person who is a physical hands on learner, I wish they had this when I was a student growing up. I would definitely have benefitted. I also have seen the Department of the Navy has converted decommission destroyers to STEM classrooms available for touring and use by middle school through high school students. I can’t help but be fascinated by the uses that I could have for it in history in conjunction with the chemistry and physics departments. I have long been a believer in learning by doing and makerspaces are the learn by doing concept coming to fruition.
Development #2: _______________________________________
· Record two interesting quotations from this section:
- Virtual Reality (VR) refers to the computer-generated environments that simulate the physical presence of people and/or objects and realistic sensory experiences.
- For most students, knowledge about global landmarks and destinations typically comes from images in books and videos on a screen.
· Write a complete paragraph that highlights the insights and implications to your practice.
As a history teacher, the hardest part of it is making it come alive. The names and dates in history really don’t change all that much from what we learn early in our education to what we learn later. The difference is later in education we learn how to interpret it. What if I can take my kids on a virtual walk around of Gettysburg and show them why the Union had such an advantage, and why Pickett’s charge was so futile based on the grounds the battle was fought on. What if I can take them to walk arounds of the pyramids of Giza instead of showing them a picture. I have been to the Sistine Chapel, and nothing I can say, nor nothing a video or book can show will ever do that magnificent ceiling justice. What if they can see it through a VR system. That makes history come alive for kids who may otherwise never have the chance to see something like that.
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